If you have your own YouTube channel or are just starting out, it’s easy to think that you will be the next Zoella or Casey Neistat, but sadly, it’s not that easy to be big online. But there are definitely a few things that can help you get there!
What draws people to you? Are you particularly sassy or have a specific subject you want to talk about? Find your own style to stand out from all the other vloggers out there. An individual approach will get you the loyal fans.
If you have something else you really focus on, like music or beauty, have two separate channels. Of course, for some people, it works to include it all in one, but it can help to have channels dedicated to only one thing, so people really like all the content.
Many a new YouTuber may be tempted to just copy titles and tags of successful videos, in the hope that this will get the views. But often, the original YouTuber will notice it and probably won’t be happy. Especially if you look up to these people, don’t try to copy them but to create your own tags, descriptions, or titles for your video.
What goes for titles and descriptions also goes for content. Of course, there are only so many things you can do at home or with limited resources. But copying videos just isn’t good practice and will see you called out soon. And who want to watch someone who doesn’t provide their own material?
Being unique and original is important, but don’t bend over backwards to achieve a dream version of you. Following trends and getting the views is, of course, important, but you need to find the right balance for yourself to be true to yourself whilst also allowing to make content that many people want to see. Only then will you create an authentic image that you can happily share with the world.
A fantastic way to really grow your channel is to collaborate. If you feel like your channel isn’t moving anywhere, just uploading more and more videos of the same type won’t work. So a good way to increase view numbers it so teams up wth another YouTuber. If you play the guitar, find a singer and make music together. Are you awesome at 3D animations? Talk to someone and maybe do their channel intro and have them mention you. It’s always a win-win.
Include hyperlinks in your description box so people can easily access links. Especially for your other social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, this is useful. Ideally, you want to build a multi-channel approach, not restricting yourself to YouTube alone.
Have you added a subscribe button at the end? No? Make sure you add it. You want to people to subscribe to you, so make it easy for them.
Don’t feel like your videos have to be 30minutes or longer. Just keep it nice and simple, fill the time naturally without drawing things out. Often, short and precise is much better received. And research has shown that you capture the attention of your viewer within the first 30 seconds, so make sure to make these count. Give them a taste of what you will be showing to keep them interested.
Do you already have an established YouTube channel but just need that last push to make it? Let's chat!