Part of basic YouTube knowledge is knowing how to schedule a video ahead of time. This always comes in handy when you are busy, travelling or simply want the video to be up at a specific time. It gives you time to arrange everything ahead, perfect the keywords tags and have it ready to go rather than doing panicked last minute changes.
This process is really straightforward. Now, let’s get to it.
1- Sign in to and head to the Upload section.
2 - Select Scheduled or Private on the privacy drop-down menu on the upload page.

3 - Upload your video like always.
4 - Then, in the Basic info window, select time, date and time zone. And if you’d like, you can also add a message to your subscribers here.

5 - The last step is to simply press the Publish button. Done!
This really is as easy as ABC. You can also adjust the scheduled time and be flexible. Simply head to Creator Studio, click on the Video Manager and next to the video you will see ‘Scheduled’. Now simply click on Edit and Info and Settings. Then select the Basic info tab and change the time or date or publish the video straight away.
You should know that the ‘published on’ date on the watch page is actually based on the Pacific Standart Time (PST). Remember that when scheduling your video and adjust accordingly if you want it to be shown as published on a specific date on your watch page. The watch page is the page your video actually appears one, the one with the comments, suggestions and description below the video. The “watch page” is the page the video actually appears one, with the ratings and comments down below.
If you are keen to find out more about the basics on YouTube and how to get that channel off the ground, join our online YouTube class on 28th January!